For Parents
Advice for Parents
Parents are one of the most important parts of church camp. While campers may have a wonderful camp experience, connecting those experiences with their daily life can be difficult. It can even be hard to find words for all they felt and saw. Parents who ask questions and then ask the follow-up question can help campers bridge two seemingly different worlds.
Some questions are better for younger campers, some for older campers, but here are some ideas:
* Other than food, what were the best and worst parts of your week?
*What topics did you talk about with your counselors?
*What did you hear or see in worship that stood out to you?
*Can you sing me a camp song?
*Where did you see God at camp?
*What new questions did you find yourself asking at camp?
*What surprised you about yourself at camp?
* How do you think you will remember this experience in two years?
“It took me 3 years to convince my son to attend camp. It took a friend encouraging him to make it happen. Once he went, his heart never left. He found a safe place to be himself and the safety to explore faith and relationships that he never found at home.” - Patricia
“My children learned confidence at church camp. I was not expecting that. I thought they would make new friends, have fun, and hopefully grow closer to God. We got to see all that, and we discovered our children had a voice they had never found the courage to share before.” - Leo