Turn your campers into peacemakers!
Peace is a prayer for some and a life’s work for others. It’s a blessing we share with others and a longing within each of our hearts. Scripture is filled with the stories of peace and justice and camp is the perfect place to share them. Peace isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth the effort, because we know that peace works!
Peace Works, the newest summer camp curriculum resource from InsideOut, provides everything you’ll need to produce a fun, enriching, spiritual, and biblically-based camp experience for kids of all ages. You’ll find seven days’ worth of camp programming for five different age levels, including community-building games, worship, Bible study, creative art projects, service projects, and more. And new this year, you’ll also get an expanded worship section with even more ideas for creative worship experiences!
Our new convenient ONLINE resource provides easy access for viewing, downloading and printing all the materials you’ll need for you and your staff in one central place. Pick and choose the activities of your choice, tweak language, add your own activities and notes – or use just as is.
The Online Resource includes:
- Artwork – logos and graphics for t-shirts and promotional materials … and our popular daily icons
- Biblical Background Videos – Seven short and entertaining videos to get staff and counselors quickly trained on the key scripture lessons of day. Each video connects the scripture with today’s life issues.
- Camp Curriculum Resource – This is the core of the materials, with all the programming activities you need for all age levels. Bible stories, devotions, educational activities related to the scriptures, staff devotions, whole camp worship, community-building games and service projects, and extra science/games/arts/nature activities and table talk topics. You’ll find all the materials easy to view, download and print in Word and PDF formats.
Materials for All Age Groups
Peace Works includes seven days of materials for:
- Younger Children
- Older Children
- Older Youth
- Younger Youth
- Family/Intergenerational
Each day, campers will explore a different culture’s word for and expression of peace:
- Day 1: Aloha: Hospitality
- Day 2: Ubuntu: Community
- Day 3: Shalom: Responding to Conflict
- Day 4: Agape: God’s Reconciling Love
- Day 5: Heiwa: Self-sacrifice for Unity of All
- Day 6: Sí Se Puede®: Active Peacemaking
- Day 7: Aloha: Going Out